Saturday, April 14, 2012

Day 11- Meat Platter

Today was another very early start, 5.30am!!! This time of day should not be seen!

We made our way to two secondary schools for some lesson observations. This was ok and the kids seem a lot more sensible than some of the kids in the uk!

In the evening we went for a farewell meal. This was amazing because I got to order the meat platter again!!! It was also lovely to spend some valuable time in the company of the people who have made this trip truly amazing. As I loved the food so much I was given a Hungarian cook book! I'll put this to much use when I get home!

I have loved almost every minute of this trip. I wouldn't say it has changed my life or opened my mind anymore than it already is but I have met some fantastic people. I will never forget them and I will be sad to leave and return to the rat race.

Thank you to everyone who made this possible. It has been brilliant :) X

Friday, April 13, 2012

Day 10- Roast Chicken

Today was a fabulous day. I have to note it as one of my favourite days.

We returned to the local special school today and on our timetable we had dog therapy and movement classes.

The dog therapy lesson was fantastic. The children were so excited when they could hear the dog bark. Some of them started to bounce up and down and clap their hands. This is remarkable as the majority of the time these children were unresponsive to a lot of stimulus . This really showed me how much giving therapy such as this is so important. All children deserve joy and entertainment and dog therapy was both of these for the children at this school.

I myself loved the dog therapy because I love doggies :) the dog was patient and entertaining, a winning mix!!

Shortly after lots of cuddles with the doggy we went on to movement classes. This class showed great similarities between Emmanuel House. The techniques used followed the Emmanuel House routine. It was shortly after the session that it came to light how much this school wanted to follow the Conductive Education route that Emmanuel House follow. I think this came as a surprise to some as the conductive education theory wasn't popular amongst our group. We then discovered that the only reason the special school does not have a 'Conductor' is down to state funding. Emmanuel House receives additional funding from the church and can therefore afford 'Conductors'.

This was a brilliant experience and I would recommend it to anyone.

In the evening Chris and I went to the Debrecen National Circus. I really am not exaggerating when I say this is the very best circus I have ever been to!! They had everything from tigers to cat performing! The performers earned every penny and before you think it's exploitation... All of the animals looked healthy, well fed and they had large enclosures.

Tomorrow is our last whole day :(

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day 9- goulash courtesy of Judit!

Today was another beautiful day in Debrecen, lots of sun and good food.

This morning we had a very early start as we were due at the local special school for 8am! The school itself looked huge from the outside and we soon discovered that it used to be a hospital.

We spent much of the day in the company of 5 lovely young girls. Their day started with speech theraphy. This was a lovely lesson with lots of singing and clapping along to certain words and beats. All of the girls seemed to enjoy it and some of the clearly really enjoyed it. It was at te end of the first part that we were told only one of the girls actually speaks. During this time I started to think about how it would feel to be a parent of one of these girls. It must be so hard as a parent to have to completely readjust your ambitions for your child once you are told of their profound disability. Surely anything more than them being able to enter adulthood knowing how to keep themselves safe and happy is a bonus?

There have been lots of comparisons banded about today between this special school and Emmanuel House. I honestly don't believe today's establishment is any better. They obviously have very different approaches but the children at both schools all seemed so happy and content that I don't feel it is fair to say one is better than the other. I feel one school certainly has less challenging ideas for an outsider to accept and this is where we can draw comparisons, but surely that is personal judgements coming in to play more than anything else...

We finished the day by taking part in folk dancing with the whole school.. The leader was apparently the most famous Hungarian folk dancer! I really enjoyed this as the children became so lively!

Tomorrow we return to the school for sensory lessons, very exciting. Tonight we have homemade goulash made by Judit Senior!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 8- pork Ribs

Today we had a sleep in which was amazing! We headed off to Hortabagy around mid day.

I really enjoyed this. We spent the first part looking around a bird hospital where they had some recovering eagles. This was truly amazing as I saw some of the finest eagles up close and I know I will never have that opportunity again.

From the bird hospital we had a walk up to a huge stable horse riding hotel. Here they offered a carriage ride through the national park. This was something I really enjoyed. What I thought was brilliant was how well kept the horses looked. They were well fed and eager to go. At the half way point we jumped off the carriages to watch a group of men do tricks on the horses. Again, all of the horses looked well cared for. A good sign for me was how friendly the horses were, they were happy for you to stroke them and they didn't flinch away. I got to ride one of the horses too!

After this we headed home to a banquet of a feast! Judith senior had made the most amazing pork ribs and vanilla cake for dessert! So yummy! Tomorrow we off back to the refugee camp...

Day 7 & 8

Budapest baby!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Day 6- Beef Goulash

Today has been another phenomenal day. We started the day by visiting the biggest refugee camp is Hingary. It used to be an old military base and this was very evident from the old bushings. It was a daunting place to visit as we were surrounded on all sides by barbed wire and metal gates. Although the biggest camp it was strangely quiet, one 340 refugees were on site. All of te refugees we met were so lovely but I couldn't help be disappointed by the conditions they had to live in at the camp. The buildings are very run down, the toilets basic and the kitchens dirty. The children, who all seemed very young had very little to do or play with. It felt to me that the point of te refugees having come from a worse place justified the huge lack of funds the refugee camp had. It is a shame because I believe those little children deserve far more support from the government. It would take much to paint the walls and give a few more toys. The experience was amazing and I am looking forward to going back.

Last night we went folk dancing. We all enjoyed it very much and I haven't laughed so hard for a long time!!

Tonight we are going resource shipping ready for our activities day at the camp next week.

We had the best beef goulash today... So yummy!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day 5- Cabbage roll thingys

Today we returned to Freedom House and joined in some Easter celebrations. The Easter message was somewhat drilled in to the children and there was lots of talk on sins. I did feel this was far too much of a focus for my liking. However, after the acknowledgement of how sin makes your heart hurt the children got to ride a pony and make Easter eggs, this was really quite good fun to be a part of. The children seemed to be enjoying themselves and it was nice to see a great turn out.

This afternoon we all wandered Debrecen eating ice cream as it was 26oc! Such a shame it's cold and miserable in England :p

Tonight we will be going folk dancing, not a thrilling evening for me but i endeavour to embrace the culture and try to take part with a smile on my face.

The food today has been amazing, we had a cabbage and pork dinner and it was to die for. I did however manage an apple and a banana today so I've made progress :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 4- Goulash!

Well it seems the Hungarian food is too much of a draw, my day of only eating fruit turned in to a goulash frenzy! We ate the most amazing goulash for dinner with fabulous dumplings. All I can say about how delicious it was...if they did 'all you can eat I'd have put on a stone!'

This morning we revisited the beautiful Emmanuel House from yesterday. We worked with some adults at the centre making clay elephants, this was a completely new experience for me. I haven't worked with adults with physical disabilities before and I must say it was a life changing experience. Our mentor, Judit, was so passionate about the centre that it was hard not to feel moved by her enthusiasm.

After moulding beautiful elephants we joined in with the choir. This was very loud but joyful and our Kath did us proud by teaching the you g people an English song, well done Kath!

This afternoon we went to the zoo, it was amazing! We were within touching distance of almost all of the animals and I have never seen so many monkeys!

I am looking forward to tomorrow as we are preparing for Easter at Freedom House!

Bye for now...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 3- Too much food!

Well everyone the vast amount of pastries over the last few days has made me so bloated and it serves me right. My eyes have been far bigger than my belly!

The weather has been beautiful today. A little check on the Internet shows me that it is at least 10oC warmer here than at home, sorry England :p

Today has been a very interesting day, one that I will explore more in my final report when I get home. The first part of the morning was spent enjoying the company of some beautiful children with physical disabilities. They were so brilliant and I feel privileged to have been in their company. They put many things back in to perspective.

This afternoon was interesting for many reasons, we had a special guided tour around the biggest church in Debrecen, but the most interesting part for Chris was getting to watch me freak out about walking down some VERY steep, VERY high and VERY narrow steps, I almost didn't make it people! Our tour guide/minister was lovely.

The most bizarre part of today was seeing a car crunched up as a result of possibly pulling out on a tram... How do you not see a tram?!

Speak soon...

Monday, April 2, 2012

Day 1- Arrival

Day 2-Pastries!

After a good nights sleep and lovely breakfast we travelled to Freedom House. Upon arrival we watched a anti-drugs stage show which seemed very hard hitting. The content was illuminating when it focused on the drug message.

For lunch we had the most amazing pastries, they were huge! This is certainly something I think should be adopted at home!! During our lunch break we increased our Hungarian vocabulary! We can now say, Sorry, thank you, good bye, my name is...., what is your name, yes and no! Not bad considering we arrived knowing only 3 words!

Freedom house is a mix between a community and youth centre. Around 2 pm the young people arrived. I then got to watch Chris and a young girl play football for over an hour and I must say Chris was kept on his toes! I then got the opportunity to play table tennis with some of the other young people. It made me think about how much easier it is to build relationships with people when you take part in sporting/competitive games. The team spirit seems to take over and everybody is on the same playing field.

I look forward to tomorrow, hopefully it will be slightly warmer and a bit less windy!


P.s both Judits' are amazing!